1-day course on systematic review methods

When: 27 May 2025
Where: Odense

The 1-day course introduces participants to the core aspects of preparing a systematic review, including Cochrane reviews. The overall aim is that participants upon attending the course will be able to identify the key elements of the process of preparing a systematic review, such as formulation of a review question, searching for- and selecting studies, assessing risk of bias, performing meta-analysis and grading the certainty of the evidence.

Course fee

The course is free of charge for:

  • PhD students at SDU and other universities that have joined the "Open market agreement"
  • Researchers from the Department of Clinical Research at SDU or from Odense University Hospital
  • Researchers based in Denmark who are preparing a Cochrane Review
For other researchers, there is a course fee (read at the bottom here).
Please sign up using the form on the faculty's PhD course page (listed as "Introduction to preparing a Systematic Review (e.g., Cochrane Reviews)").
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